Our Strategy
The Basics Mission is to help whole communities prepare young children for school and for life—to put them on track for achieving their full potential—to help develop their brains, find joy in life, and prepare for coping effectively with life’s inevitable challenges.
The Basics vision entails communities where family-friendly policies and practices are norms that infuse multiple sectors of an institutional ecosystem. Such an ecosystem engages with families intentionally and relentlessly to alleviate stress and relieve material hardship in support of vibrant caregiver-child relationships that include, among other resources, The Basics Principles.
In a Basics Community, The Basics Principles become daily routines for all types of families, including those isolated traditionally from the types of information and support that The Basics movement promotes.
In a Basics Community, inclusion begins at the child’s birth. Health and family support providers make new parents aware that The Basics Principles can help their child to thrive. They refer and connect new parents to welcoming sources of Basics-related information and support.
In a Basics Community, there is socio-ecological saturation. A local backbone coalition emerges to enlist and support organizations across multiple sectors to embrace The Basics movement. As a consequence, parents encounter The Basics at many places across their social ecology—at work, the library, in faith-based organizations, friends’ homes, medical offices…